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Risen 2: Dark Waters'ın Achievement Listesi

     Risen 2: Dark Waters, PC oyuncuları için çoktan raflardaki yerini aldı ancak konsol oyuncuları oyuna 3 Ağustos tarihinde görebilecek. 3 Ağustos'a kadar ise elimizde sadece alabileceğimiz Achievement listesi var. İşte resmi liste şöyle;
"Just a little tipple ... (10 puan)

Drank first around

Big Game Hunter (50  puan)

Killed monsters 2000

Bane of the Beasts (30 puan)

Killed 500 monsters

Pet Cemetery (10 puan)

20 Killed ambient animals

Deep Sea Fisherman (10 puan)

Killed 50 sea monsters

Crab Catcher (10 puan)

Killed 10 giant crabs

Beginner (10  puan)

10 Killed monsters

Legendary Hero (20  puan)

Collected 20 legendary items

Storyteller (10  puan)

Collected 10 legendary items

Treasure Hunter (10  puan)

Found treasure in the first game

Made of Money (50  puan)

Acquired 300 000 gold

Cash Cow (30  puan)

Acquired 100 000 gold

Skinflint (10  puan)

Acquired in 1000 gold

Protector (10 puan)

Won duel against Severin

Digger (10 puan)

Dug up 50 treasures

Kleptomaniac (10 puan)

Picked 100 locks

Crack Shot (10 puan)

Hit 10 times in one game in the shooting mini-game

Drunkard (10 puan)

Won drinking duel minigame-10 times

Bird Brain (10 puan)

Parrot used 5 times

Tour Guide (10 puan)

At least five crewmembers on the ship

All-Rounder (30 puan)

Each skill once learned

Voodoo Wizard (20 puan)

Learned everything about voodoo

Rogue (20 puan)

Learned everything about cunning

Tough Bastard (20 puan)

Learned everything about toughness

Gunslinger (20 puan)

Learned everything about firearms

Blademaster (20 puan)

Learned everything about blades

Mr. Industrious (50 puan)

Completed 250 quests

Necromancer (20 puan)

'The Split Soul' completed

Cheese Knife (20 puan)

'The Cunning Captain' completed

Tub Captain (20 puan)

'Build a Raft' completed

Friend of the Gnomes (20 puan)

'The Gnome Eater' completed

Provisions Master (20 puan)

'Ship's Equipment' completed

The Hand of God (20 puan)

'The Greedy Captain' completed

The Right Hand (20 puan)

'Chaka Datu's Legacy' completed

Captain (30 puan)

'A New Ship' completed

Harpooner (20 puan)

'The Titan Weapon' completed

Liberator (10 puan)

'Free Hawkins completed

Voodoo Pirate (20 puan)

'The Ancestors' Blessing' completed

Knight in Shining Armour (10 puan)

'Rescue Patty!' completed"

Bu haberin bağlantısı
Piranha Bytes Deep Silver Risen 2 Dark Waters RPG
Blizzard: "Avrupa Sunucuları 2 Haftadır Sabit" Söylenti: PS4 2013 Sonbaharında Mı Geliyor?

- The Stig -

17.6.2012 20:01:33

güzel liste ;)
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Risen 2: Dark Waters
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