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Far Cry 3'ün PC Sürümü Yamalandı

     Hem inceleme puanlarıyla hem de oyunculara sunduğu yoğun içerikle 'bu senenin sürpriz oyunu' olan Far Cry 3'ün PC sürümü yamalandı.
     1.03 kodlu bu güncellemeyle beraber oyunun Steam üzerinden satılan versiyonuna Rusça ve Çekçe dil destekleri eklendi. Oyundaki bazı hataları da gideren güncelleme ayrıca, kullanıcıların tasarladığı haritalara bağlanma konusunda da iyileştirmeler sunuyor.
     Güncellemeyi buradan indirebileceğiniz gibi, oyuna girdiğiniz takdirde otomatik olarak da indirebilirsiniz.

Bu haberin bağlantısı
Far Cry 3 ubisoft PC ps3 xbox 360 güncelleme yama 1.03 update
Rayman Legends Demosu Wii U İçin Yayımlandı Xbox Live'ın Yılbaşı İndirimleri Gözüktü
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14.12.2012 20:42:07

[quote]Orijinalden alıntı: rambocuk hatamı ne hatası hata ne ararla la ps 3 de :D haa pc se insana kriz geçirtir oyundan soğutur :) [/quote] Duyan da sadece PC'ye yama çıkıyor zanneder. Mesela AC 3 için PS3'e kocaman yama çıkarken de aynen böyle demek lazımdı: PS3'ümüzün bugları: [quote] Mission – "A DEADLY PERFORMANCE" – Mission result screen could show an incorrect sync reward. Mission – "A DEADLY PERFORMANCE" – Players could be stuck in the opera if they backtracked in a certain way after killing the target. Mission – "INFILTRATING SOUTHGATE" – Target would not be spawned if the player failed to perform a meat shield during the firing line tutorial. Mission – "INFILTRATING SOUTHGATE" – Fixed multiple bugs where the guard on the boat could walk in circles, stay stuck or jump on the railing. Mission – "JOHNSON'S ERRAND" – Fixed floating muskets after a cinematic. Mission – "JOHNSON'S ERRAND" – Moved HUD icon on the explosive barrel on the ground instead of above the cart, because that's what the player needs to shoot. Mission – "JOHNSON'S ERRAND" – prevent the player from using hide spots during part the mission to avoid a possible mission break. Mission – "THE SOLDIER" – Fixed a missing audio line. Mission – "THE SURGEON" – Fixed a bug where the eavesdropping tutorial couldn't be completed if the mission was restarted. Mission – "THE SURGEON" – Fixed NPC not reacting to the player's presence during the steal tutorial. Mission – "THE SURGEON" – Fixed optional objectives that could fail too easily. Mission – "WELCOME TO BOSTON" – When replaying the mission, when asked to buy a sword and pistol, those items would already be purchased. Mission – "WELCOME TO BOSTON" – Fixed Possible mission break if the player shoots the horse he's supposed to ride. Mission – "UNCONVINCED" – Fixed a bug where the player could enter the tavern too early and break the mission. Mission – "UNCONVINCED" – Blocked accidental blending during the tavern fight, which could break the mission. Mission – "FEATHERS AND TREES" – Fixed a bug where the optional objective "Do not touch the ground" could fail too easily. Mission – "HUNTING LESSONS" – Fixed the issue where the bear could flee and eventually freeze. Mission – "A BOORISH MAN" – After the mission, the candelabra would display an interaction effect while the secret door to the basement was already opened. Mission – "RIVER RESCUE" – Blocked the player from diving in the river too early which could break the mission. Mission – "STOP THE PRESSES" – Cinematic could sometimes not trigger, breaking the mission. Mission – "THE HARD WAY" – Fixed the optional objective "Do not take any damage" that would fail if the player hits rocks even if it doesn't deal damage to the ship. Mission – "ON JOHNSON'S TRAIL" – Fixed issue where Chapheau could become inactive if the player dragged the fight far from where it started. Mission – "THE ANGRY CHEF" – Fixed issue where the "limit health loss" optional objective would wrongly fail if the player reloads a checkpoint or dies. Also fix the displayed limit to 33% as that's what's actually used. Mission – "THE ANGRY CHEF" – fixed missing butcher hatchet during cinematic if blood option is turned off. Mission – "BRIDEWELL PRISON" – Closed the cell doors while being escorted to prevent the player from getting stuck in them. Mission – "BRIDEWELL PRISON" – fixed voices becoming muffled mid-eavesdropping. Mission – "SOMETHING ON THE SIDE" – Fixed missing ocean during the chase. Mission – "SOMETHING ON THE SIDE" – Made the chase part easier. Mission – "A BITTER END" – Fixed a camera glitch if the player reloads last checkpoint during a certain cinematic. Mission – "A BITTER END" – Fixed a glitch that could happen if the player restarted the mission during a specific cinematic. Mission – "FATHER AND SON" – Fixed a bug where the guard you're supposed to kill would not reappear if the player starts fighting him and then runs away. Mission – "FATHER AND SON'' – The mission could not be completed if the guard the player kills the target he's supposed to steal using a stealth kill from bench or a rope-dart hanging move. Mission – "MISSING SUPPLIES" – Disabled a patrol that would almost guarantee failing the mission if they detected and started fighting Haytham. Mission – "ALTERNATE METHODS" – Made the chase section easier. Mission – "BROKEN TRUST" – fixed a bug where the player could be stuck on a horse if he exited and re-entered the Animus at a specific moment. Mission – "LEE'S LAST STAND" – removed a destructible barrel that could cause problems if used as part of a contextual counter-attack. Mission – "CHASING LEE'' – Adjusted difficulty on the Charles Lee chase. Mission – "LAID TO REST" – Fixed a bug where the mission could be failed if redcoats start fighting the mission targets.[/quote] Her mesajda PC'ye laf atınca elinize ne geçiyor anlamıyorum. Sanki PS3 ulaşılmaz bir cihazmış gibi davranıyorsunuz, gerek yok bunlara. Ben de PS3 kullanıyorum, neyin ne olduğu gayet ortada. Abartmamak lazım.


13.12.2012 22:52:11

oyuna bi giriyorum güncelleme öbür gün yine güncelleme nerde assasins dlc


13.12.2012 19:21:30

sanırım bu patchlardan en çok ben yararlanacam çünkü daha başlamadım oyuna :D


13.12.2012 17:12:57


Orijinalden alıntı: 007 Jets Arkadaşlar ben Patch kurdum yükledim fakat oyunu açtığımda Loading Screen de Logging in. Yazan yerde takılıyor yükleme bitmiyor bi türlü.. Bu sorunu başka yaşayan var mı? Ya da çözümü nedir?
bendede aynı sorun var yardım eder misiniz

007 Jets

13.12.2012 16:48:20

Arkadaşlar ben Patch kurdum yükledim fakat oyunu açtığımda Loading Screen de Logging in. Yazan yerde takılıyor yükleme bitmiyor bi türlü.. Bu sorunu başka yaşayan var mı? Ya da çözümü nedir?


13.12.2012 16:42:32


Orijinalden alıntı: rambocuk hatamı ne hatası hata ne ararla la ps 3 de :D haa pc se insana kriz geçirtir oyundan soğutur :)
Ps3 de skyrim oynamayı denese bi ^^ (flawless victory with brutality)


13.12.2012 15:26:48

hatamı ne hatası hata ne ararla la ps 3 de :D haa pc se insana kriz geçirtir oyundan soğutur :)


13.12.2012 14:04:58

Paylaşım için teşekkürler!
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